Monday, June 20, 2011

Big Lies

That's right. I am back, motherfucker.

It is sick, but there is a small enjoyment I feel in attracting teenage women to my ambiguous sexuality. I cannot attract men apparently, since we are A.) all in the damn closet or B.) I am really, really ugly, which means all these women have fairly poor taste. But I mean, come on, a writer, with pale skin, long hair, who is iconoclastic and smart? Who wouldn't want that? I want my queer intellectual. Which is why I am going to do something very eccentric and unique when I graduate high school. I am going to come out, and I, the gay writer, will go to New York, and rally my homosexual brethren! Isn't that just an original idea?

"Fate Tells Big Lies." - Ginsberg

The issue with most of the problems in the ongoing civil tension between homosexuals and the Fundamentalist group of the world (well, there is no reasoning with Fundamentalists, since you know, they don't have any reason), is that haters do not understand how it is to be a homosexual. They are clinging onto a rite that they think they must protect the world from us, the scourge of the planet. Despite what science and psychology says, they keep on marching. And hell, we'll keep on marching too. But I am going to write a novel, a novel I hope that clears the airwaves, and sends a message to somebody that equality must be put into action. 

Action. I think that is lacking amongst our leaders of today.

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